Wooden Chess Sets Traditional and Natural
Hobbies Articles | September 11, 2009 Wooden chess sets have been in use for�decades and they are still very popular and widely used today. They not only cost less and stand the test of time but they also represent the indispensable history of chess. Wood is one of the most useful materials found on the planet. It is sturdy, easy to transform into different things and is used as one of the primary building materials. One of the most common uses for wood is in construction. However, wood also has a myriad of other uses. For centuries, people have been using wood to craft different objects like, toys, furniture, and even board games. In fact, some of the best chessboards and chess pieces in the world are made of wood. A lot of effort goes into the construction of each board and much more into the carving of the individual pieces. In both cases, the boards and pieces are handmade by skilled craftsmen, located in many different parts of the world. For the people who use wooden chess sets, ...